Red Dragon Order of France


The Red Dragon Order of France is a secret society known as the “Keepers of Secrets”.

In our vast network of tunnels stretching out through four European countries we guard the Secrets of the Ages. Ancient Texts and Relics from all over the world are kept in our secret maze of tunnels.  The Order is letting itself be known to the general public through our Guild Associate IGOS. The time has come to assist those other Guilds fighting against the Black Lodge and to release some of the Ancient Knowledge we hold. The Order is a “Secret Society” and as such, we do not communicate with  anyone but, The International Guild of Occult Sciences. Even this kind of contact is dangerous for the Order. The Order will release certain documents, grimoires and relics to IGOS and it’s Inner Order and some to the general public.

Our magical mystical tunnels are complicated mazes that only a few  specially trained  Order members know how to nagivate. These specially trained members are kept in secret locations around the world. Summoned only when needed. The Tunnels are part physical and part illusion. Those going into the Tunnels without our guides, are never seen again. Within the Tunnels are numerous Red Dragon Protectors that  are immune from physical and magical attacks. Empowered through the ages by the most powerful Magi from all of the most powerful traditions. The Tunnels entrances and certain other areas are protected by an elite group of Knights Templars.

The Tunnels hold secret documents and relics from all the great societies, Egyptian, Greek,  Mayan, Aztec, Atlantis, Druids, Romans, King Solomon, Sumerians, Napoleon, Knights Templar, Vatican, Nazis and many others. All kept safe and secure for hundreds and thousands of years. The need to keep these safe from the Black Lodge, is our main concern. Mankind is still not ready for the  “secrets of ages”. Modern society is far too corrupt and evil to be empowered further down it’s path to destruction. Only a very few pure dedicated individuals will be given some select information and of this, a tiny bit will be offered to the general public.

Our doors are closed but, some of our secrets will be revealed through special Guilds around the world… Our Red Dragon Protectors are always watching, and guarding the secrets of the ages…

PS. The Red Dragon Grimoire that the Order provided to IGOS, is a “coded” text for those that know how to understand it’s hidden meanings..